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Cholesterol controls to prevent a stroke

Looking at the low awareness of the risks of cholesterol continued to increase along with lifestyle changes, PT Pfizer Indonesia (Pfizer) like to invite the public to understand more about cholesterol, as well as the impact of treatment and prevention.

Coincided in the month of Ramadan, the Pfizer invite the community to maintain a balanced lifestyle and healthy during fasting.

Ganesmwari Andriani, Senior Manager Marketing Communication PT Pfizer Indonesia said, "It becomes a habit every Ramadan, and Eid when we have a tendency to consume food and beverages are sweet and bersantan. In addition, we also tend to reduce fitness activities with a reason to save power to be strong through daily tasks. No we know the lifestyle changes during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr may pose a risk of high cholesterol. Therefore Pfizer, as one of the leading companies in the sector concerned and the health, asked the public to carefully control his cholesterol during this holy month so that there are no regrets in the future. "

Cholesterol is a fatty substance which is 80 percent compound produced in the body, though the liver and the rest from outside the body through food intake. Cholesterol has a variety of functions for the body, among other energy sources, the formation of cell walls, and the formation of hormones.

In developed countries with high consumption of cholesterol, such as the United States, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death. Research carried out the American Heart Association (AHA) states that more than 100 million people in these countries have cholesterol levels above the average and 40 million of them have very high cholesterol levels. This condition causes the death rate from heart disease and stroke reaches 500,000 people each year.

Data released by the WHO in 2002 showed that hypercholesterolemia causes 4.4 million deaths in the world. Most of the people who have hypercholesterolemia properties are those who have average cholesterol levels between 200-250 mg a high enough percent.

"High levels of cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. In some developed countries prevalence of coronary heart disease is already starting to show decline in recent years. But it is not the case with developing countries. Unhealthy lifestyles are the main factors causing increased cases of illness Coronary heart caused by high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, it is important for communities to begin addressing cholesterol wisely early on and change your lifestyle to a more healthy, "said the specialist in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, Dr. Ann Soenarta Arieska SpJP (K).

Other data that are related to diseases caused by disruption of cholesterol comes from the International Stroke Conference (international stroke conference). Conference held in Vienna, Austria in 2008 was declared, that the number of people with stroke in the Asia continues to rise.

Stroke is also the third largest cause of death in Indonesia today, and likely to threaten the productive ages under 45 years old.

For people who do not have the properties of hypercholesterolemia, the risk of these disorders can be controlled by continuously controlling their lifestyle, through diet and exercise. In addition, to detect the risk of cholesterol that may be encountered, people should routinely check the cholesterol at least six months.

Detection routine can help the community to act more quickly in anticipation of disorder if the level of cholesterol has been declared a high risk of them.

"For people that have been detected to have high cholesterol disorder risk, they should immediately act quickly to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Decrease in cholesterol levels can be done by taking drugs regularly, and certainly changes in lifestyle. Levels cholesterol should also be routinely checked in the laboratory and in consultation with the doctor, "said Dr. Arieska.

Based on Stroke Foundation of Indonesia, currently there is a tendency increasing number of people with stroke in Indonesia in the last decade. The tendency to attack the younger generation who are still in their productive age. This will impact on the declining levels of productivity, and can lead to disruption of socio-economic families.

"It is inevitable, an increasing number of stroke survivors in Indonesia are identical with cholesterol caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, we support the call Pfizer to the community to better control his cholesterol and live a healthier, both during Ramadan and the feast and after that, to avoid serious diseases such as stroke, "said Dr H Sutarto Prodjo Disastro SpS, neurological disease specialist and chairman of Public Relations and Outreach Stroke Foundation of Indonesia.

To support a healthy lifestyle, Pfizer has introduced the concept of 3 Ring Care Cholesterol. This step is done by looking at three factors, ie food intake, body work, and compliance through it."

Since 2005, Pfizer has introduced the concept of 3 Ring Cholesterol Care which aims to assist communities in controlling their lifestyles to be free of cholesterol disorders. 3 Ring Cholesterol Care was developed by Pfizer is based on an understanding of the three factors to consider in the management of cholesterol risk factors depicted in the form of rings, namely diet (diet), exercise (sports), and compliance (adherence), "said Andriani.


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